2016 Feb 22 7:47 PM
When click the button the message is going to the bottom of the page . How do I set in SM37 to view the messages at the top of the page ?
Click button abap list
The message goes to to end of page
How do I set to see the top of the page ?
Thanks !
2016 Feb 23 7:32 AM
Hello Rogerio,
Please explain which program has created the spool, is it any custom program or standard program, if so provide the information of those.
2016 Feb 23 12:31 PM
Hi Prakash,
there was an Application suport package , but not all of the spool request has the same problem , only a few.
But the program where else the problem is customized , but
its version in another environment to spool out orders
is correctly.
2016 Feb 24 7:42 AM
Click on the settings button in the spool page (Ctrl+Shift+F10) and try changing the spool settings.