2023 Apr 21 9:03 AM
Using class how to encrypt a .CSV zip file with passwords to be send as an email attachment.
I found using SM69 config. & FM SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE, but it is not working.
Please help me with any class or method to encrypt zip file.
Thank you.
2023 Apr 21 9:19 AM
Did you try this blog :
2023 Apr 21 10:03 AM
I have tried using this SM69 config, it is not working
2023 Apr 21 10:13 AM
2023 Apr 21 3:58 PM
In the blog post you have tried, there are 2 things, and so your issue can be at one of the two levels, or both:
You should first test the command at OS level (what OS is running SAP software?) to make sure that zip -P "password" "zip_file.zip" "file_to_be_zipped" and unzip work as you expect. Ask your admin if you can't do it yourself.
SM69 customizing depends on your OS type and you have SAP notes to help you for troubleshooting. And there's the way to pass the argument via SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE.
So, please explain what you tried, what happened, where the exact issue is.