2012 Jun 07 10:15 AM
I want to send an inbound idoc to another system. Is there any standard way to achieve it? Please suggest.
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Message was edited by: Thomas Zloch
2012 Jun 07 10:31 AM
Follow the following steps:
Step 1: Go to transaction we19 and give the idoc number and ececute
Step 2: Click inbound file and remove the tick option from the start idoc inbound box.
provide the file name with directory ( Example, /local/data/interface/sample.txt )
Step 3: File will store in application server in AL11 transaction then download to that file using cg3y transaction code from production directory to your desktop and upload agian upload file to AL11 in acceptance environement directoty using cg3z transaction code.
Step 4: Now file placed under AL11, so just pass the file directory (/local/data/inteface/sample.txt) in WE19 towards radio button -- File as template.
SteP 5 : Choose the option, file as template and execute.
Step 6: You can see option to chose on the direction inbound or Outbound.
IDoc number will be generate ..
Moderator message: copy/pasted from http://saplocker.blogspot.de/2010_11_01_archive.html
Message was edited by: Thomas Zloch