2011 May 06 6:08 AM
I have the same issue for sending the fax with PDF attachment.
I create the document, attachments and sends via BCS class, but i got the following issue:
No delivery to <fax number>, as part of message cannot be transferred
Message no. XS811
The message could not be delivered to recipient 6504612397 as part of the message could not be transferred.
System Response
Processing was ended normally.
Additional information of the node used (in the system language of the node):
Part of the message could not be transported all the way to recipient <fax number>. This is usually due to particular binary attachments. Check the message and remove oversized attachments and attachments that require special coding, for example.
The following is my code:
lr_send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
lr_document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
i_type = gc_doc_type_raw
i_text = it_message_body
i_subject = iv_subject ).
Get attachments
PERFORM get_attachments USING it_invoice_send
CHANGING lt_attachments
*Add attachments
LOOP AT lt_attachments INTO ls_attachment.
lv_attachment_subject = ls_attachment-subject.
i_attachment_type = ls_attachment-doc_type
i_attachment_subject = lv_attachment_subject
i_att_content_hex = ls_attachment-cont_hex ).
CATCH cx_document_bcs INTO lx_document_bcs.
MESSAGE e005(zzfi_coll_enh) RAISING add_attachment_failed.
lr_send_request->set_document( lr_document ).
lr_sender = cl_sapuser_bcs=>create( sy-uname ).
lr_send_request->set_sender( lr_sender ).
lr_recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_fax_address(
i_country = iv_fax_country
i_number = iv_fax_number ).
i_recipient = lr_recipient
i_express = gc_flg_x ).
i_with_error_screen = gc_flg_x
result = ev_result ).
2011 May 11 7:21 AM
Please check program BCS_EXAMPLE_6. I guess you would have to do something similar to achieve the functionality you desire. Important point to note is the following code, that converts the pdf contents to corrrect SOLIX format.
get PDF xstring and convert it to BCS format
lp_pdf_size = XSTRLEN( ls_formoutput-pdf ).
pdf_content = cl_document_bcs=>xstring_to_solix(
ip_xstring = ls_formoutput-pdf ).
document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
i_type = 'PDF'
i_hex = pdf_content
i_length = lp_pdf_size
i_subject = 'test created by BCS_EXAMPLE_6' ). "#EC NOTEXT
2011 May 11 6:43 AM
2011 May 11 7:21 AM
Please check program BCS_EXAMPLE_6. I guess you would have to do something similar to achieve the functionality you desire. Important point to note is the following code, that converts the pdf contents to corrrect SOLIX format.
get PDF xstring and convert it to BCS format
lp_pdf_size = XSTRLEN( ls_formoutput-pdf ).
pdf_content = cl_document_bcs=>xstring_to_solix(
ip_xstring = ls_formoutput-pdf ).
document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
i_type = 'PDF'
i_hex = pdf_content
i_length = lp_pdf_size
i_subject = 'test created by BCS_EXAMPLE_6' ). "#EC NOTEXT
2011 May 11 7:34 AM
I use the following function module to get the PDF data.
and the type of lt_data is solix_tab, so i didn't use the covert method (xstring_to_solix)
crep_id = ls_toa02-archiv_id
doc_id = ls_toa02-arc_doc_id
comp_id = gc_comp_id_data
data = lt_data
bad_request = 1
unauthorized = 2
not_found = 3
conflict = 4
internal_server_error = 5
error_http = 6
error_url = 7
error_signature = 8
Thanks a lot !
2011 May 16 7:57 AM
Hi Shyam,
I run into another issue.
I will get 2 cover sheet and 1 document content after i sent the fax, the first cover sheet 1 is created by RightFax service, and the other cover sheet 2 is created by SAP automatically.
We need to get rid of the document content page, and move those information to cover sheet 2, but i checked the cover sheet 2, the subject field lenght is too short to fill the document content, or we fill the document content to cover sheet 1 which created by RightFax.
Could you tell me how to transfer the information from SAP to RightFax cover sheet?
or if we can change the cover sheet template, when we use class CL_BCS to send fax?
Thanks and Best Regards,
Ivy Lu
2011 May 18 2:12 AM
2012 Jun 20 10:50 PM
Hi Ivy,
I did a similar thing to send dcument to FAX as type 'PDF'. from SOST I'm able to open the PDF as well. But the Outgoing FAX still fails with the message 'No Delivery as part of the message cannot be transferred'.
How are you sending PDF to FAX in SAP ?
2012 Jun 21 3:10 AM
Hi Phani,
Could you please let us know your code? I used the following code to solve my issue.
get PDF xstring and convert it to BCS format
lp_pdf_size = XSTRLEN( ls_formoutput-pdf ).
pdf_content = cl_document_bcs=>xstring_to_solix(
ip_xstring = ls_formoutput-pdf ).
document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
i_type = 'PDF'
i_hex = pdf_content
i_length = lp_pdf_size
i_subject = 'test created by BCS_EXAMPLE_6' ). "#EC NOTEXT
Best Regards,
2012 Jun 21 5:39 PM
Hi Ivy,
Actually, our PDF is stored in DMS.
1) We read it in binary data( SOLIX ).
2) we CALL METHOD CL_BCS_CONVERT=>SOLIX_TO_XSTRING to convert it to XSTRING & then get the SIZE.
3) Now we add attachment using:
CALL METHOD document->add_attachment
i_attachment_type = 'PDF'
i_attachment_subject = 'test_doc'
i_attachment_size = SIZE
i_att_content_hex = lt_table.( SOLIX )
So, this adds PDF to fax & Fax request goes in SOST, we are able to see the PDF in attachments & also open it directly to see content. But when we select the Fax item & execute send Fax, it still fails with error 'No Delivery as part of the message cannot be transferred'.
Previously we were sending attachment as type 'BIN' with SOLIX PDF content. Now even after we send it appropriately as PDF (& we are able to open the PDF in SOST ), transmission still fails.
Still some issue wth code or can be some Fax Server issue?
Thanks alot again for your help.
2012 Jun 25 3:11 AM
Please ask your basis to check if the Fax Server has the license to send PDF?
2014 Sep 04 2:54 PM
Did you manage to fix the cover sheets issue? We are using RightFax with SAP too. I could get the fax to send out OK with an attachment and was able to get rid of cover page but set the setting in RightFax itself. I am currently trying to find a way to get rid of the extra page which has only the words "Attached Document" on it coming in right before the attached file. Any idea how to get rid of that extra page?