2022 Apr 11 1:05 PM
Hello every one,
how can I send a validation file or a SAP IDoc xsd/xml file via FTP to a third party system ? Is there a transaction in SAP with which I can do this ?
P.S: There is no IDOC connection between our systems and this is the first time we exchange files.
Regards !
2022 Apr 11 8:14 PM
I would suggest to use the XML-file port to create the XML file and store it somewhere on the Application Server. Then ask one of the Basis-guys to prepare a FTP-script that is scheduled as a job to transfer the XML-files stored on your Application Server to the third party system.
I think that would be the easiest approach (from my point of view).
I hope this helps you 🙂
Kind regards
2022 Apr 12 7:47 AM
There are 2 distinct questions: how to generate the XSD for a given IDoc type, and how to send a file via FTP. Both questions have been already positively answered in the forum many times.