2023 Mar 19 3:32 PM
Hello everyone,
I want to create a program with the same behavior as the standard program DEMO_SEL_SCREEN_AS_SUBSCREEN.
In the ABAP code we notice that the two sub-screens are defined by the instructions: SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF SCREEN 1100... and SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF SCREEN 1200...
But we also notice that they are in the object name "Screens", we can edit them with the layouts editor, finally we can also notice that they are of the Screen Type: 'Selection Dynpro'.
But by copying this program I can't get these screens, is there a special procedure to generate them?
Thanks for your help.
2023 Mar 20 7:48 AM
You can update the layout of the selection screens but it's very bad practice because you will lose your changes at the next program generation, so of course you shouldn't do that.
The layout of selection screens is to be defined only by ABAP statements (PARAMETERS, SELECT-OPTIONS, SELECTION-SCREEN).
The selection screens are generated when you activate the program.
2023 Mar 20 8:59 AM
Hi Sandra, thank your for your answer.
This morning I reconnected to my SAP system and I have my selection screens generated by the system... Very good, but I still don't know how they are generated, far be it from me to modify them, it's just more practical to be able to use the layout to visualize the rendering.
2023 Mar 20 12:58 PM
Please use the COMMENT button for comments, asking for complements, adding details, replying to a comment or a proposed solution or to the OP question, etc., ANSWER is only to propose a solution, dixit SAP text at the right of the answer area.
2023 Mar 20 12:59 PM
The selection screens are generated when you activate the program.
2023 Mar 20 10:36 AM
Selection-screen (main and subsscreen) are created when the main program is activated. Editing them with screen-painter will not have a lasting impact...