2009 Mar 20 6:49 AM
Is there a table holding all the selection parameters of a program?
Or any runtime variable?
Or is there some FM to read this?
I tried DYNP_VALUES_READ but it says wrong dynpro name on execution.
2009 Mar 20 6:56 AM
Please be a little more specific.
In general variants are stored in table but at runtime these are not stored. You can use the FM 'DYNP_VALUES_READ' and can populate some selection criteria based upon the selection already done for some fields on the screen. Else you if you want the selection parameter elsewhere you can use the memory (IMPORT/EXPORT) to store and retrieve values.
This depends upon your requirement. Please be a little more specific so that I can help you.
Edited by: Sudipto Chakrabarty on Mar 20, 2009 7:56 AM
2009 Mar 20 6:55 AM
Yes, This is the FM to read the values of selection screen parameters.
Can you please explain your problem in some more extaint, so that i can try to help u.
2009 Mar 20 6:56 AM
Please be a little more specific.
In general variants are stored in table but at runtime these are not stored. You can use the FM 'DYNP_VALUES_READ' and can populate some selection criteria based upon the selection already done for some fields on the screen. Else you if you want the selection parameter elsewhere you can use the memory (IMPORT/EXPORT) to store and retrieve values.
This depends upon your requirement. Please be a little more specific so that I can help you.
Edited by: Sudipto Chakrabarty on Mar 20, 2009 7:56 AM
2009 Mar 20 8:19 AM
Indeed the FM DYNP_VALUES_READ looks good for the job. But when I input a zreport name and the screen number 1000 it gives the error INVALID_DYNPRONAME.
Why is that?
I see there's this statement call 'HELP_GET_FIELDS' ..........
after which sy-subrc is 1.
2009 Mar 20 8:53 AM
Try this.
dyname = sy-repid
dynumb = sy-dynnr
dynpfields = li_dynval[]
invalid_abapworkarea = 1
invalid_dynprofield = 2
invalid_dynproname = 3
invalid_dynpronummer = 4
invalid_request = 5
no_fielddescription = 6
invalid_parameter = 7
undefind_error = 8
double_conversion = 9
stepl_not_found = 10
OTHERS = 11.
in the table li_dynval, give the selection screen parameter names. for example if ur select-option name is s_opt, then fill the table as
lwa_dynval-fieldname = 'S_OPT-LOW'.
APPEND lwa_dynval TO li_dynval.
CLEAR lwa_dynval.
the selection-screen parameters should be given in caps.
hope this may be helpful.
2009 Mar 20 6:58 AM
Check table D021T : Screen Key Word Texts
Give program name and you will be given all the fields used in that program.
Hope this helps you.
2009 Mar 20 7:10 AM
2009 Mar 20 7:16 AM
Hi Pushpraj,
Are you looking for this FM:
RS_COVERPAGE_SELECTIONS which returns the selection parameters for a report .
2009 Mar 20 9:06 AM
Check the below Function module
2009 Mar 20 9:28 AM
Hi see the FM
U wil get list of parameters,select-options and all details of a selection srrceeen.