2007 Oct 26 7:42 AM
I have a requirement where i have to select program number(kunnr) from vbpa table
based on vbeln and parvw fields.I can use 'FOR ALL ENTRIES IN vbak table for vbeln field.But parvw field is not present in vbak table .Where can i get parvw field to select the program number(kunnr) from vbpa table?
2007 Oct 26 7:53 AM
<b>I guess you want Bill to party address
KUNRE is field from VBPA table Where PARVW = RE
Rewards if Helpful....</b>
2007 Oct 26 7:55 AM
hi hema,
PARVW is present in VBFA (Sales Document: Partner ).
So do like this,
SELECT avbeln bparvw FROM vbak as a JOIN vbfa as b ON avbeln = bvbeln INTO TABLE t_vbak WHERE bparvw IN s_parvw AND avbeln IN s_vbeln.
SELECT vbeln kunnr FROM vbap INTO TABLE t_vbap FOR ALL ENTRIES IN t_vbak where vbeln = t_vbak-vbeln.
where s_parvw and s_vbeln are SELECT-OPTIONS</b>
Reward me if useful.........
Harimanjesh AN
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Harimanjesh AN