2012 Dec 28 10:03 AM
I try to select datas from my table with Function Module, but there are import and export values, this values return only one value at the same time. I wanna to implement many record show at the same time.. How can do that this kind of operation.
Thanks for supporting me..
Moderator Message - Basic ABAP question. Thread locked.
Message was edited by: Suhas Saha
2012 Dec 28 10:08 AM
you can find tables tab in your function module . tables can hold many entries as you require.
hope this helps,
2012 Dec 28 10:23 AM
understand, i tried create table in tables tab. but, i don't how exactly show my entries on table. for example i have user table, i use this code in my function:
data gs_user type ZUSER.
gs_user-ID = I_IDM.
gs_user-NAME = I_AD.
gs_user-SURNAME = I_SOYAD.
insert ZUSERS from gs_user.
ZUSERS is defined on table tab. I want to try insert all enries to my function table. After this definition completed again i show one record on function execution screen.. I can't do any operation on my function tables.
2012 Dec 28 10:30 AM
create one structure in se11 zuser which contains id name and surname . in your tables tab table type zuser you have to define . so it will fetch all the records you need .
select * from table into table zuser you have to give in your select statement.
hope it helps
2012 Dec 28 10:32 AM
inside your function module i hope you are passing multiple entries to table.
hope it helps,