2022 Sep 28 8:30 AM
We can see the Security Notes that has components not matching to my system example : Hana, XX etc
These notes can be implemented.
1. What is ruling on these notes. Should they be implemented or can they be ignored
Best Regards
2022 Sep 28 9:48 AM
Hi Naziem,
This would be dependent on what the Security Note is supposed to fix. If the fix is already included in your current Support Package or Kernel release then there would be no need.
What is the SAP Note that you are referring to and what is the Hana version?
Jarod Sandham
2022 Sep 28 10:51 AM
As a rule of thumb: All Security Notes should be implemented.
You may decide based on the criticality or whether the affected component is not in use (less effort for testing) to import them in a shorter time frame or to postpone the installation till you update your system with Support Packages. This is based on your risk appetite.