2007 Dec 11 7:49 AM
Hi gurus,
I want to create Search help with outerjoin. I have two master table for Bank. One is for import and other is for Export. I want banks from both the tables...
is it possible with view??? or i have to code for that type of help...
Shardul Shah
2007 Dec 11 7:52 AM
First bring the Two tables data into a single table/view and then create an elementary search help
see the following
1) Elementary search helps describe a search path. The elementary search help must define where the data of the hit list should be read from (selection method), how the exchange of values between the screen template and selection method is implemented (interface of the search help) and how the online input help should be defined (online behavior of the search help).
2) Collective search helps combine several elementary search helps. A collective search help thus can offer several alternative search paths.
3)An elementary search help defines the standard flow of an input help.
4) A collective search help combines several elementary search helps. The user can thus choose one of several alternative search paths with a collective search help.
5)A collective search help comprises several elementary search helps. It combines all the search paths that are meaningful for a field.
6)Both elementary search helps and other search helps can be included in a collective search help. If other collective search helps are contained in a collective search help, they are expanded to the level of the elementary search helps when the input help is called.
Go to SE11 Tcode
select search help
give the 'z' search help name and create
select the selection method ur table name eg : 'mara'
dialog module 'display value immediately'.
add the field whatever u want and lpos = 1 and spos = 1 and check import and export parameter.
where left position when displaying and spos = search position
and then save and activate ..
See the links:
pls go through this for search help creation
Search Help Exits:
2007 Dec 11 7:55 AM
2007 Dec 11 9:15 AM
how to do it in views.... as outerjoin is not possible with it...
2007 Dec 11 8:10 AM
Hi Shardul,
create a standard search help with a search help exit. Make a copy of F4IF_SHLP_EXIT_EXAMPLE for the exit function. In field search help exit, press F1 so see the documentation.
At STEP SELECT (Select values) do your own selection (from master table 1 into itab, from master table 2 appending itab; sort and delete adjacent duplicates).
Use function function 'F4UT_RESULTS_MAP' to transfer the hit list from your own data structure into the data structure managed by the F4 processor.
I wonder what banks you have in SAP standard table BNKA.
2007 Dec 11 9:16 AM
ya thanx Clemens,,
its done.... actually we have devloped import, export module for our company... thats i have my own bank master table....