2011 Apr 18 3:23 PM
I have a table A with text table AT.
Since I have to filter records from table A out based on a certain criteria, I join it in a database view to a table B.
But when I use the database view as a selection method in the search help, it does not recognize the "text table" anymore.
Now I tried the following: I created a help view on my database view, to join the text table and put a condition for SY-LANGU on the language field. But it doesn't work correctly. If some values are not translated in the current language, than they are shown empty. instead when using a simple table with text table, it will fallback to another language (e.g. english) and not show an empty record.
Any ideas?
2011 Apr 18 3:28 PM
Sorry, I made a mistake. The fallback logic was in our code, not in the search help. So it will work with a help view.