2009 Feb 18 7:40 PM
- I create a search help and checked one parameter as import and export;
- Associate this search help to a field in a structure;
- Create a screen with a table control based on that structure;
The importing procedure is not working.
When the screen field is filled with some data that exists in database and
I press F4, it shows me all records. The search help is not restricting the
records by the value of the field.
The exporting is working fine.
Do I neet to code some search help exit?
My version is ECC6 (603).
2009 Feb 19 4:27 AM
2009 Feb 19 5:09 AM
whatever the fields you have specified in the Search help, those values will be picked. Not required to write any code it should work.
2009 Feb 19 6:01 AM
Hi Michel,
The IMPORT column in the search help is to show this field in the Hitlist and EXPORT column is to retrive the value shown in the hitlist which is selected to the screen field. So if u need to filter the values according to another field in the screen, u have to attach a search help exit to ur serach help.
2009 Feb 19 9:53 AM
Use function module
'DYNP_VALUES_UPDATE' -- for backfilling the values
2009 Feb 19 3:12 PM
When the value of imported field match exactly with some record in database, the search help ignores this import parameter (like option 'EQ' in a range), but, if I use some mask in the field (* or +, like option 'CP' in a range), the search help filter correctly.
Michel Amaral