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Search help with fields from 2 tables (no foreign-key relationship)

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I need to create a search help with fields from 2 tables namely PRPS and WCOCOH .The tables do not share any foreign-key relationship in order to create a view.So,is there any other way to create a search help without including search help exit .If not ,are there any standard search help exits which could help here.


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View of type database.

Active Contributor


Hi Raymond,

Thanks for the reply.But there is no foreign key relationship between the tables in order to create a help view.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Create a View of type database.

Active Contributor

Table PRPS does hold WBS elements. Table WCOCOH does hold contract header data.

You want a search help on these 2 tables a.k.a. on these 2 data sets but you do not indicate how these 2 data sets are to be linked.

There are some suggestions on your question by using a CDS or maintenance (or help or database) view. But then it must first be clear how these 2 tables are linked.

A contract does hold contract items and a contract item can potentially have a WBS element.

If you want search help on this linked data then there are 2 possibilities:

  • Read the data by ABAP code. Either use your own ABAP code to select the required data or use a SAP API. Please find an ABAP snippet for this below. Then you have the data available you can populate it into a search help by using a search help exit in the search help definition.
  • Find the tables that do link WBS element (Table PRPS) and contract (Table WCOCOH). Create a CDS view or maintenance view linking these table and include that view in you search help definition. The linking table might be VMPA.

*   Contract items on WBS element
it_wbselmt = VALUE #( ( ls_item-pspnr->* ) )
it_vbtyp = VALUE #( ( if_sd_doc_category=>contract ) )
iv_filter_items = abap_true
et_sditem = lt_sditem ).

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

jack.graus2 Just to clarify, Raymond and I were not proposing "CDS or maintenance view", we proposed respectively a help view and a database view 😉

(but I agree that the question needs to be clarified and your comment is worth being converted into an answer)