2008 Jan 14 12:43 PM
Hi all.
I'm using HELP_VALUES_GET_WITH_TABLE_EXT FM to call the search help on processing value-request event.
Everything is working fine but I need to open a selection criteria before show the data. I look for some parameter but O found nothing.
Any idea ?
I appreciate all kind of help.
2008 Jan 14 1:22 PM
2008 Jan 14 1:30 PM
Get the cursor value :-->
get cursor field f_fld line f_lin offset f_off.
if f_lin >= 1.
f_lin = f_lin + <tablecontrol>-top_line - 1.
read table i_dat into i_tablecontrol index v_linno.
here i_tablecontrol is workarea of table i_dat.
Will give you the field name where cursor is positioned right now.
set the cursor on particular line:-->
set cursor field f_fld line f_lin offset f_off.
For popup or help values :
Now you have to create an internal table which will contain the header of F4 pop-up, based on structure HELP_VALUE.
For Ex.
data: begin of fieldtab occurs 0.
include structure help_value.
data: end of fieldtab.
And now as your structure of F4 help is in "fieldtab" and all the respective field values in another internal table(with just one field).
You have populate the values from the cursor position values ie values corresponding to cursor where you have selected.
You have to call function module to pop-up F4 help as follows
show_all_values_at_first_time = 'X'
fields = fieldt "structure of F4 help/heading
select_values = selval_tab "return values
valuetab = values "Values to be displayed on F4 help
field_not_in_ddic = 1
more_then_one_selectfield = 2
no_selectfield = 3
others = 4.
Now the values of selected line from F4 help will be in selval_tab. which is an internal table of structure HELP_VTAB.
2008 Jan 14 5:48 PM