2005 Nov 17 6:26 PM
Hi all,
My client is in implementaion of SAP for their Electric retail Business. They want to View the Stock on hand & Plant wise stock in Search help result screen (More specific In <b>va01</b> after entering Ordertype,in standard order create screen , in material field if we press f4 or mouse click, it will show the display for All material & material description,in that result screen i need to add more fields to display stockon hand, Plant wise stock.
Please tell me how can i achieve this? Please help me Very urgent!!!!!!!!
2005 Nov 17 8:23 PM
There are two ways:
1) In tx SE11, change the standard search help MAT0M (Material num /Descr) to add new fields. You will need an Object Key for SAP support. The new fields will have numbers in the LPos column for display sequence.
2) Develop a new custom search help that fits your requirements as above. Then, in the collective search help MAT1_A, add this as a new entry. You can also create this as MAT1_A_APPEND. SAP Help has the documentation on how to create search helps.
2005 Dec 22 4:13 PM
Is not possible to add the custom search help with out access key?
2005 Nov 17 8:26 PM
Hi Change the Standard Search Help or Create new and Add it to the Material field.
2005 Nov 17 9:48 PM
Hi Jayaprakash,
Using SE11..
1. Create Custom Elementary srch help.
2. Add the above Elementary srch help to the
Collective srch help "SD_MAT1".
This will solve ur problem..
2005 Nov 18 5:50 PM
Hi Guys,
Thanks for ur help guys.I need to get data from ATP quantity field( MNG04-fieldname,it's coming form the structure MDEZ), How i can add this field to display in Result list?. Is that possible Can i add structure field to Selection critiria View in Search help?