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Search help added in se11 in stadard table

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear experts,

My requirement is to creat F4 help for the field Collective Number in ME21n.

what I have to do?

And I created search help and functional module for F4 help.

how to attach this help to statndard table BSEG field KIDNO.

thanks in advance ,



Former Member
0 Kudos


You probably have to modify the code to bring a popup..


create a elementary search help in SE11.

modify the data element for the collective number field to attach the search help..



Former Member
0 Kudos

Goto se11

in data type : put KIDNO change mode ... avoid the messges ....

there in theDefinition : put your new Search Help activate it ....

so that it will be attached..

otherwise there so many ways of attaching the serach help for F4 ..

Implementing search Helps

Search helps can be implemented in a variety of ways:

1 .Add to Table field Added via SE11: Place cursor on desired field within database and select menu path Goto->Search help->for field

Effect: If field used to create screen field, search help will be called when user executes F4/drop down input help. All fields on screen will be populated if appropriate fields exist in search help and screen.

2.Add to Table Added via SE11: Place cursor on desired field within database and select menu path Goto->Search help->for table

3.Add to Data element Added via SE11: Select desired data element (double click), enter search help name and parameters in appropriate fields on screen. Will be applied to all fields associated with that data element

4.Add to Screen field Added via screen painter: One of field attributes is search help. Will only populate the one screen field.

5.Add to Sel. screen parameter (MATCHCODE) Added using 'matchcode' addition for parameters declaration: Search help name must be no more than 5 characters long.

e.g. PARAMETER p_prog LIKE trdir-name MATCHCODE OBJECT zsh.

Rewatrd points if it is usefull ...
