2024 Jan 12 3:56 PM
Hi together,
after a transport request is accidentally imported, objects must be manually deleted from the SAP system.
In the SE80 you can only see packages without content.
When I want to delete it, I get the information that it cannot be deleted.
Object R3TR DSYS _X_ is still assigned to package _X_ ; see long text
Object R3TR ENHS _X_ is still assigned to package _X_ ; see long text
Object R3TR NROB _X_ is still assigned to package _X_ ; see long text
Object R3TR SHI5 _X_ is still assigned to package _X_ ; see long text
The entries are visible in SM30 -> TADIR, but cannot be deleted because they still exist.
All transport requests have been released and the SE80 and "Rebuild Object List" have been executed.
Can you tell me how I can delete the objects? Most entries relate to DSYS.
Thanks and best regards
2024 Jan 12 5:53 PM
DSYS is a documentation -> SE61
ENHS is an enhancement spot -> SE80/SE20
NROB is a number range -> SNRO
SHI5 -> structure in SPRO, possibly SIMGH / S_IMG_EXTENSION
2024 Jan 15 8:46 AM
Hello Sandra,
Thank you. Your answer made me a big step forward.
Unfortunately I still have problems with 3 objects.
ENHS -> SE80/SE20 > The object _x_ does not exist in the repository
SHI5 -> SIMGH / S_IMG_EXTENSION -> IMG_Structure -> Package > No objects were found for the specified selection
SOTR -> SOTR_EDIT -> Package > No concept found for the criteria specified
In "SM30 -> TADIR -> Delete Object Directory" I can see the TADIR entries but cannot delete >
The object directory entry for R3TR SOTR /E4U/REDI_MEASURE cannot be deleted, since the entry still exists.
Do you have another idea?
Thanks and regards
2024 Jan 15 10:37 AM
If it says that the entry exists and you don't find it, either you don't search correctly (most probable reason as SOTR_EDIT is difficult to find OTR texts), or there is a standard bug (I doubt).
Look at the tables SOTR_HEAD or SOTR_HEADU.
2024 Jan 15 11:10 AM
Thanks Sandra,
I searched in the wrong package. When I want to delete the object the system told me, the object is still in use.
In SE84 I can't find the enhancement spot or structures.
In SOTR_HEAD I can find four entries. In SOTR_HEADU are no entries for the relevant package.
In the where-used-list the object shows itself.
Best Regards
2024 Jan 15 12:49 PM
I don't understand what is "the object". I am blind here. Could you be more explicit, add screenshots, indicate exact error message with ID/number and explain exactly what you do, please?
2024 Jan 15 1:40 PM
SOTR and ENHS are clean now!
In SE16 -> TADIR I still see following entries
In S_IMG_EXTENSION I found the SHI5 object. The error message is, that I have to delete the ID in the source system.
I think I have to get an external deletion-transport request.
2024 Jan 15 4:07 PM
Probably you DON'T have to get one "external deletion-transport request".
What is your current system? I guess it's not EIE.
You can change the original system of the R3TR SHI5 object to your current system, and then you can delete it via S_IMG_EXTENSION.
2024 Jan 15 4:55 PM
Yes, you are right. Thanks a lot.
I was able to delete all the objects with your information.
Thanks and best regards