2006 Sep 23 8:37 PM
I would like to print a logo in the last page . So, How can I know How many Pages are there in Scripts because I am using MAIN Window .. and How can I know this is the Last Page... I want to print it in the last page only...
and One more ...
I have created a script in one client ... How can I access it another client....
2006 Sep 23 11:15 PM
If you want to copy the forms between clients on the same system (between a
client 100 and 150 on a DEV box for example) Use the copy between clients
option available from the Utilities menu of SE71. If you want to transport
the form between DEV & QA or QA & PRD then follow the normal transport
procedure (ensuring that your BASIS team know to import your form into each
client of the new box).
2006 Sep 24 6:42 PM
Hi Satyanarayana,
For priting logo in the last page, u can chech this
Some Logo or include.
And the second question is the work of basis guy.
If u have access this t.codes
SCC1 is used to transport with in the box.
STMS is used to import in the other box.
Hope its helps u.
2006 Sep 25 4:21 AM
Please check the below code.
Include logo.
Jaffer Vali shaik