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Former Member
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I am doing catt script for the following scenario.

Pull vendors with a payment method associated with them in a country. (probably would have to pull from a table using SE16)

I am doing in ECC 6. When i am recording the TCODE It is giving the problem saying that Releases higher than 6.4 are not allowed.

Please can you guide whether i am following correct procedure.If not please guide the correct procedure.




Former Member
0 Kudos

SCAT is no longer functional in ECC 6 and t.code SECATT needs to be used. Search through the forum, there are a lot of discussion on ECATT.

Former Member
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See this may be useful

check these link,

eCATT- An Introduction


Creating Test Scripts


eCATT Logs


eCATT Scripts Creation – TCD Mode


Creation of Test Data Container


eCATT Scripts Creation - SAPGUI Mode


Integrating ECATT & MERCURY QTP Part -1


Using eCatt to Test Web Dynpro ABAP



-command reference


hope this helps.

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Following are the individual article links on SDN for SAP eCATT Weblogs. Kindly comment on them -

1. eCATT An Introduction(Part I)


2. eCATT Scripts Creation - TCD Mode (Part II)


3. eCATT Scripts Creation - SAPGUI Mode (Part II )


4. eCATT Chaining, Parameterization, Creation Of Test Data,Test Configuration, System Data (Part IV)


5. eCATT Scripts Management Via Test Workbench(Part V)


6. eCATT Logs (Part VI)


7. eCATT Scripts Creation Non-User Interface Mode & Rename, Copy, Delete, Upload, Download eCATT Objects(Part VII)


8. eCATT Tips Of Recording, Testing & Links (Part VIII)


ERPGenie.COM -> The Home of SAP R3 ABAP -> ABAP utilities -> eCATT

Extended Computer Aided Test Tool

Working with eCATT (Extended Computer Aided Test Tool)

(By: KVR Prasad Babu[11] , Infotech Enterprises Ltd[12] , email:[13] )


In this article first I will introduce some of the basic concepts regarding eCATT[14] and then we will see how to develop a test script to upload a test data file with a practical example.

So in precise in this article you will see what eCATT is, how we can use it; how we can load a test data from a file in 4.7X and it end with an example.

After reading this article you will have a clear idea about eCATT tool. And you will be able to write a test script in which test data can be loaded from a file.

This article is divided into following sections,

What is eCATT?

How to load test data from a file in 4.7X with an example?

What is eCATT?

eCATT stands for extended Computer Aided Test Tool (eCATT) which is built is testing tool to test SAP system. By using testing tool we can test the entire business process, and we can also use this tool with a third party testing tool (I am not covering this topic). Execution of every test script ends with a log, which explains the results of the test script.

By using eCATT we can do following operations,

· Test transactions, reports, and scenarios

· Call BAPIs and function modules

· Test remote systems

· Check authorizations (user profiles)

· Test updates (database, applications, GUI)

· Test the effect of changes to customizing settings

· Check system messages

For more information go to: eCATT::Extended Computer Aided Test Tool (

Here I am discussing fundamentals about eCATT in detail. You can find very good documentation in

To develop a test script in eCATT we need to follow the following steps,

1. Creating Test Scripts.

2. Creating Test Data Containers[16] .

3. Understanding System Data Containers[17] .

4. Executing Test Configurations.

There is a very good web blog on eCATT in which explains eCATT with necessary screen shots. To read document click here Blog on eCATT in

