2006 Aug 09 12:21 PM
I copied RVORDER01 to ZRVORDER01, and found the print program or driver program for this is 'RVADOR01'. I copied this program as ZRVADOR01. Trying to execute this program but there is no output. Could any one suggest me how to run this program and what modifications do I need to make to run this program.
Thank you,
2006 Aug 09 12:23 PM
go to NACE and assgien ur program or sap script to output type....
2006 Aug 09 12:23 PM
go to NACE and assgien ur program or sap script to output type....
2006 Aug 09 12:24 PM
YOu have to attach this new driver program and new sap scrript to an output type and that output type should be attached to a transaction.
The above process is to be done in NACE transaction.
whenever you run the actual transaction, your output gets triggered.
2006 Aug 09 12:25 PM
goto NACE.
select the row V1-sales then click on the button "OUTPUT TYPES" (from the application tool bar).
in this screen,
select THIS output type "BA00-ORDER CONFIRMATION" & Click on PROCESSING ROUTINE (from the leftside tree)
here you have to replace the existing values with your new DRIVER PROGRAM and LAYOUT names.
go in CHANGE mode,
then save
Message was edited by: Srikanth Kidambi
2006 Aug 09 1:03 PM
2006 Aug 09 1:06 PM
When I try to change program name I am getting the following error
"Entry ZRVADOR01 does not exist in TRDIR - check your entry"
So, I just changed the name under form
2006 Aug 09 1:09 PM
Hi Sreenath,
It may be the case that you have to execute any sales related transaction to trigger this print program and form.You have to talk to your Functional person for this.
2006 Aug 09 12:32 PM
Every driver program and the script needs to be attached to an output type and this is done in Transaction NACE. So goto tcode nace and select the appropiate output type and update it with your driver program and script name