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/SAPDMC/SAP_LSMW_INTERFACE won't call the Substituion Exits for FI docs upload !!!

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Hello folks !

I have created an LSMW that creates batch input data for FI .

I launch this  LSMW project  using the programm /SAPDMC/SAP_LSMW_INTERFACE as a background job .
I have created a Subsitution at the third level (callup point 03 - Complete Document) that contains an  exit   on specific prerequisites.
When i try to create  a fi doc using FB01 this exit  gets executed , instead when i run the /SAPDMC/SAP_LSMW_INTERFACE for the LSMW project created , the documents gets posted but  the program won't pass through my Substitution exit

Any idea  why , or how to make it pass over there ???

Thanks in advance .


Active Contributor
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I suppose the prerequisites are not met in background during the BDC execution /or/ some code is not valid (e.g. an ASSIGN to another program)

Could you describe the prerequisites and the code of the exit?

Hint: Read also Note 386896 - Substitution at call-up point 3 ("Complete document") for restrictions and alternatives.



0 Kudos

First thanks for  replying .

The prerequisites are quite simple  , 
If the document type   BLART = 'KF'  then the  exit must be executed .

Already  read that note and implemented for  another BAPI   BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST  at the same call-up point (3) .

Maybe the  /SAPDMC/SAP_LSMW_INTERFACE program won't call the  FM FI_SUBSTITUTION_DOC  and FI_VALIDATION_DOC  , which are the FM'S responsible for  the COMPLETE DOCUMENT  substitution and validation .

Any idea on this ?