2005 Jul 28 12:10 PM
I have a problem by executing the transaction IE4N I get the error: No active nametab exists for /SAPAPO/MATKEY
The system we use have not APO installed. So I do not understand why TC: IE4N executing APO things. So It is correct when the system tells that the table is not active.
I have looked into a similar problem is this forum, but it does not solve the issue we have.
Function-Pool: SAPLIPW4 having tc: IE4N
Thanks In advance.
2005 Jul 28 6:47 PM
Hi lief,
Since this is a standard SAP Program, you must open an OSS message, I tried to find an OSS note for this problem but without success.
I hope you will get this resolved thru OSS much quicker.
2005 Jul 28 6:47 PM
Hi lief,
Since this is a standard SAP Program, you must open an OSS message, I tried to find an OSS note for this problem but without success.
I hope you will get this resolved thru OSS much quicker.
2005 Jul 29 11:55 AM
Thanks - We think we have located the issue to a data quality problem.