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SAP Simple Transformation Deserialize : Strange result with namespace xmlns



I'm trying to deserialize an XML file.
In this XML file I have some useless <tag> : <bob1> and <bob2>.

This XML doesn't work

<Invoice xmlns="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2">
<EndpointID schemeID="0208">1234567890</EndpointID>

And this one is OK

<Invoice test="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2">
<EndpointID schemeID="0208">1234567890</EndpointID>

The only difference is the prefix xmlns on the <Invoice> line, replaced by test in the second.

My SP is :

<?sap.transform simple?>
<tt:transform xmlns:tt="" xmlns:cbc="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2" xmlns:ddic="" xmlns:def=
<tt:root name="INVOICE"/>

<Invoice xmlns="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2">
<tt:skip count="1" name="Bob1"/>
<ID tt:value-ref="INVOICE.ID"/>
<tt:attribute name="schemeID" value-ref="INVOICE.ENDPOINTID_SID"/>
<tt:value ref="INVOICE.ENDPOINTID"/>
<tt:skip count="1" name="Bob2"/>

XML 1 <Invoice xmlns="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2"> : Error
Xml 2 <Invoice test="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2"> : OK

In my SP when I try with the prefix "xmlns" with the first XML I have an Exception.
If I replace by "Test" and try with my second XML > No problem.

Of course the data in my example makes no sense, it's for the example.
With the production data, I'm going to have a lot of prefixes... and the Invoice line will be as in my first XML file (with xmlns).

Do you have an idea about this problem ?



Active Contributor

I guess you have a CX_ST_MATCH_ELEMENT with message "System expected element 'Bob1'".

I reproduce the error message with your code + a few data completed:

    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_transfo_result,
             id             TYPE string,
             endpointid_sid TYPE string,
             endpointid     TYPE string,
           END OF ty_transfo_result.
    transfo_name = create_transfo( concat_lines_of( sep = |\r\n| table = VALUE string_table(
              ( `<?sap.transform simple?>                                                        ` )
              ( `<tt:transform                                                                   ` )
              ( `xmlns:tt=""                          ` )
              ( `xmlns:cbc="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2"` )
              ( `xmlns:ddic=""                        ` )
              ( `xmlns:def="">                           ` )
              ( `  <tt:root name="INVOICE"/>                                                     ` )
              ( `                                                                                ` )
              ( `  <tt:template>                                                                 ` )
              ( `    <Invoice xmlns="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2">    ` )
              ( `      <tt:skip count="1" name="Bob1"/>                                          ` )
              ( `      <ID tt:value-ref="INVOICE.ID"/>                                           ` )
              ( `      <EndpointID>                                                              ` )
              ( `        <tt:attribute name="schemeID" value-ref="INVOICE.ENDPOINTID_SID"/>      ` )
              ( `        <tt:value ref="INVOICE.ENDPOINTID"/>                                    ` )
              ( `      </EndpointID>                                                             ` )
              ( `      <tt:skip count="1" name="Bob2"/>                                          ` )
              ( `    </Invoice>                                                                  ` )
              ( `  </tt:template>                                                                ` )
              ( `                                                                                ` )
              ( `</tt:transform>                                                                 ` ) ) ) ).
    DATA(transfo_result) = VALUE ty_transfo_result( ).
    DATA(xml) ='<Invoice xmlns="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2">'
            && '  <Bob1>Blablabla</Bob1>                                                '
            && '  <ID>001</ID>                                                          '
            && '  <EndpointID schemeID="0208">1234567890</EndpointID>                   '
            && '  <Bob2>450</Bob2>                                                      '
            && '</Invoice>                                                              '.
    CALL TRANSFORMATION (transfo_name)
        SOURCE XML xml
        RESULT invoice = transfo_result.
        act = transfo_result
        exp = VALUE ty_transfo_result(
            id             = '001'
            endpointid_sid = '0208'
            endpointid     = '1234567890' ) ).

To make it work, there are 2 solutions:

  1. either you simply omit skip by making use of tt:extensible="deep-dynamic" (among other possible values)
  2. or you use a dummy namespace prefix as shown below (use whatever prefix name you want)

Solution 1 with tt:extensible="deep-dynamic":

    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_transfo_result,
             id             TYPE string,
             endpointid_sid TYPE string,
             endpointid     TYPE string,
           END OF ty_transfo_result.
    transfo_name = create_transfo( concat_lines_of( sep = |\r\n| table = VALUE string_table(
              ( `<?sap.transform simple?>                                                        ` )
              ( `<tt:transform                                                                   ` )
              ( `xmlns:tt=""                          ` )
              ( `xmlns:cbc="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2"` )
              ( `xmlns:ddic=""                        ` )
              ( `xmlns:def="">                           ` )
              ( `  <tt:root name="INVOICE"/>                                                     ` )
              ( `                                                                                ` )
              ( `  <tt:template>                                                                 ` )
              ( `    <Invoice xmlns="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2"     ` )
              ( `        tt:extensible="deep-dynamic">                                           ` )
              ( `      <ID tt:value-ref="INVOICE.ID"/>                                           ` )
              ( `      <EndpointID>                                                              ` )
              ( `        <tt:attribute name="schemeID" value-ref="INVOICE.ENDPOINTID_SID"/>      ` )
              ( `        <tt:value ref="INVOICE.ENDPOINTID"/>                                    ` )
              ( `      </EndpointID>                                                             ` )
              ( `    </Invoice>                                                                  ` )
              ( `  </tt:template>                                                                ` )
              ( `                                                                                ` )
              ( `</tt:transform>                                                                 ` ) ) ) ).
    DATA(transfo_result) = VALUE ty_transfo_result( ).
    DATA(xml) ='<Invoice xmlns="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2">'
            && '  <Bob1>Blablabla</Bob1>                                                '
            && '  <ID>001</ID>                                                          '
            && '  <EndpointID schemeID="0208">1234567890</EndpointID>                   '
            && '  <Bob2>450</Bob2>                                                      '
            && '</Invoice>                                                              '.
    CALL TRANSFORMATION (transfo_name)
        SOURCE XML xml
        RESULT invoice = transfo_result.
        act = transfo_result
        exp = VALUE ty_transfo_result(
            id             = '001'
            endpointid_sid = '0208'
            endpointid     = '1234567890' ) ).

Solution 2 with dummy namespace prefix:

    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_transfo_result,
             id             TYPE string,
             endpointid_sid TYPE string,
             endpointid     TYPE string,
           END OF ty_transfo_result.
    transfo_name = create_transfo( concat_lines_of( sep = |\r\n| table = VALUE string_table(
              ( `<?sap.transform simple?>                                                        ` )
              ( `<tt:transform                                                                   ` )
              ( `xmlns:tt=""                          ` )
              ( `xmlns:cbc="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2"` )
              ( `xmlns:ddic=""                        ` )
              ( `xmlns:def="">                           ` )
              ( `  <tt:root name="INVOICE"/>                                                     ` )
              ( `                                                                                ` )
              ( `  <tt:template>                                                                 ` )
              ( `    <Invoice xmlns="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2"     ` )
              ( `        xmlns:dummy="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2">   ` )
              ( `      <tt:skip count="1" name="dummy:Bob1"/>                                    ` )
              ( `      <ID tt:value-ref="INVOICE.ID"/>                                           ` )
              ( `      <EndpointID>                                                              ` )
              ( `        <tt:attribute name="schemeID" value-ref="INVOICE.ENDPOINTID_SID"/>      ` )
              ( `        <tt:value ref="INVOICE.ENDPOINTID"/>                                    ` )
              ( `      </EndpointID>                                                             ` )
              ( `      <tt:skip count="1" name="dummy:Bob2"/>                                    ` )
              ( `    </Invoice>                                                                  ` )
              ( `  </tt:template>                                                                ` )
              ( `                                                                                ` )
              ( `</tt:transform>                                                                 ` ) ) ) ).
    DATA(transfo_result) = VALUE ty_transfo_result( ).
    DATA(xml) ='<Invoice xmlns="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2">'
            && '  <Bob1>Blablabla</Bob1>                                                '
            && '  <ID>001</ID>                                                          '
            && '  <EndpointID schemeID="0208">1234567890</EndpointID>                   '
            && '  <Bob2>450</Bob2>                                                      '
            && '</Invoice>                                                              '.
    CALL TRANSFORMATION (transfo_name)
        SOURCE XML xml
        RESULT invoice = transfo_result.
        act = transfo_result
        exp = VALUE ty_transfo_result(
            id             = '001'
            endpointid_sid = '0208'
            endpointid     = '1234567890' ) ).

Active Contributor

I guess it's the same question as this one: XML deserialization: error tt:skip and namespaces | SAP Community

(see my second answer concerning <data xmlns="urn:mynamespace" xmlns:aaaaaaa="urn:mynamespace"> ... <tt:skip name="aaaaaaa:X2"/>)

Active Contributor

I guess you have a CX_ST_MATCH_ELEMENT with message "System expected element 'Bob1'".

I reproduce the error message with your code + a few data completed:

    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_transfo_result,
             id             TYPE string,
             endpointid_sid TYPE string,
             endpointid     TYPE string,
           END OF ty_transfo_result.
    transfo_name = create_transfo( concat_lines_of( sep = |\r\n| table = VALUE string_table(
              ( `<?sap.transform simple?>                                                        ` )
              ( `<tt:transform                                                                   ` )
              ( `xmlns:tt=""                          ` )
              ( `xmlns:cbc="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2"` )
              ( `xmlns:ddic=""                        ` )
              ( `xmlns:def="">                           ` )
              ( `  <tt:root name="INVOICE"/>                                                     ` )
              ( `                                                                                ` )
              ( `  <tt:template>                                                                 ` )
              ( `    <Invoice xmlns="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2">    ` )
              ( `      <tt:skip count="1" name="Bob1"/>                                          ` )
              ( `      <ID tt:value-ref="INVOICE.ID"/>                                           ` )
              ( `      <EndpointID>                                                              ` )
              ( `        <tt:attribute name="schemeID" value-ref="INVOICE.ENDPOINTID_SID"/>      ` )
              ( `        <tt:value ref="INVOICE.ENDPOINTID"/>                                    ` )
              ( `      </EndpointID>                                                             ` )
              ( `      <tt:skip count="1" name="Bob2"/>                                          ` )
              ( `    </Invoice>                                                                  ` )
              ( `  </tt:template>                                                                ` )
              ( `                                                                                ` )
              ( `</tt:transform>                                                                 ` ) ) ) ).
    DATA(transfo_result) = VALUE ty_transfo_result( ).
    DATA(xml) ='<Invoice xmlns="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2">'
            && '  <Bob1>Blablabla</Bob1>                                                '
            && '  <ID>001</ID>                                                          '
            && '  <EndpointID schemeID="0208">1234567890</EndpointID>                   '
            && '  <Bob2>450</Bob2>                                                      '
            && '</Invoice>                                                              '.
    CALL TRANSFORMATION (transfo_name)
        SOURCE XML xml
        RESULT invoice = transfo_result.
        act = transfo_result
        exp = VALUE ty_transfo_result(
            id             = '001'
            endpointid_sid = '0208'
            endpointid     = '1234567890' ) ).

To make it work, there are 2 solutions:

  1. either you simply omit skip by making use of tt:extensible="deep-dynamic" (among other possible values)
  2. or you use a dummy namespace prefix as shown below (use whatever prefix name you want)

Solution 1 with tt:extensible="deep-dynamic":

    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_transfo_result,
             id             TYPE string,
             endpointid_sid TYPE string,
             endpointid     TYPE string,
           END OF ty_transfo_result.
    transfo_name = create_transfo( concat_lines_of( sep = |\r\n| table = VALUE string_table(
              ( `<?sap.transform simple?>                                                        ` )
              ( `<tt:transform                                                                   ` )
              ( `xmlns:tt=""                          ` )
              ( `xmlns:cbc="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2"` )
              ( `xmlns:ddic=""                        ` )
              ( `xmlns:def="">                           ` )
              ( `  <tt:root name="INVOICE"/>                                                     ` )
              ( `                                                                                ` )
              ( `  <tt:template>                                                                 ` )
              ( `    <Invoice xmlns="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2"     ` )
              ( `        tt:extensible="deep-dynamic">                                           ` )
              ( `      <ID tt:value-ref="INVOICE.ID"/>                                           ` )
              ( `      <EndpointID>                                                              ` )
              ( `        <tt:attribute name="schemeID" value-ref="INVOICE.ENDPOINTID_SID"/>      ` )
              ( `        <tt:value ref="INVOICE.ENDPOINTID"/>                                    ` )
              ( `      </EndpointID>                                                             ` )
              ( `    </Invoice>                                                                  ` )
              ( `  </tt:template>                                                                ` )
              ( `                                                                                ` )
              ( `</tt:transform>                                                                 ` ) ) ) ).
    DATA(transfo_result) = VALUE ty_transfo_result( ).
    DATA(xml) ='<Invoice xmlns="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2">'
            && '  <Bob1>Blablabla</Bob1>                                                '
            && '  <ID>001</ID>                                                          '
            && '  <EndpointID schemeID="0208">1234567890</EndpointID>                   '
            && '  <Bob2>450</Bob2>                                                      '
            && '</Invoice>                                                              '.
    CALL TRANSFORMATION (transfo_name)
        SOURCE XML xml
        RESULT invoice = transfo_result.
        act = transfo_result
        exp = VALUE ty_transfo_result(
            id             = '001'
            endpointid_sid = '0208'
            endpointid     = '1234567890' ) ).

Solution 2 with dummy namespace prefix:

    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_transfo_result,
             id             TYPE string,
             endpointid_sid TYPE string,
             endpointid     TYPE string,
           END OF ty_transfo_result.
    transfo_name = create_transfo( concat_lines_of( sep = |\r\n| table = VALUE string_table(
              ( `<?sap.transform simple?>                                                        ` )
              ( `<tt:transform                                                                   ` )
              ( `xmlns:tt=""                          ` )
              ( `xmlns:cbc="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2"` )
              ( `xmlns:ddic=""                        ` )
              ( `xmlns:def="">                           ` )
              ( `  <tt:root name="INVOICE"/>                                                     ` )
              ( `                                                                                ` )
              ( `  <tt:template>                                                                 ` )
              ( `    <Invoice xmlns="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2"     ` )
              ( `        xmlns:dummy="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2">   ` )
              ( `      <tt:skip count="1" name="dummy:Bob1"/>                                    ` )
              ( `      <ID tt:value-ref="INVOICE.ID"/>                                           ` )
              ( `      <EndpointID>                                                              ` )
              ( `        <tt:attribute name="schemeID" value-ref="INVOICE.ENDPOINTID_SID"/>      ` )
              ( `        <tt:value ref="INVOICE.ENDPOINTID"/>                                    ` )
              ( `      </EndpointID>                                                             ` )
              ( `      <tt:skip count="1" name="dummy:Bob2"/>                                    ` )
              ( `    </Invoice>                                                                  ` )
              ( `  </tt:template>                                                                ` )
              ( `                                                                                ` )
              ( `</tt:transform>                                                                 ` ) ) ) ).
    DATA(transfo_result) = VALUE ty_transfo_result( ).
    DATA(xml) ='<Invoice xmlns="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2">'
            && '  <Bob1>Blablabla</Bob1>                                                '
            && '  <ID>001</ID>                                                          '
            && '  <EndpointID schemeID="0208">1234567890</EndpointID>                   '
            && '  <Bob2>450</Bob2>                                                      '
            && '</Invoice>                                                              '.
    CALL TRANSFORMATION (transfo_name)
        SOURCE XML xml
        RESULT invoice = transfo_result.
        act = transfo_result
        exp = VALUE ty_transfo_result(
            id             = '001'
            endpointid_sid = '0208'
            endpointid     = '1234567890' ) ).

0 Kudos

Hi Sandra,

Thanks for your help !
Indeed the question XML deserialization: error tt:skip and namespaces | SAP Community is very interesting.
The trick with the dummy namespace also.

So in my situation, I just want to read 3 <tags> of a complex XML, I can use tt:extensible on my root <tag> ?


I think it's probably the best solution in my case.

0 Kudos


Active Contributor

sandra.rossi As usual, I go through your examples first trying them on the MiniSAPs, then saving them for reference.

In this case, on A4H (HANA1909) I get an error that "create_transfo" is unknown: is that to be expected?


c5e08e0478aa4727abc4482f5be390b2 It's as expected 😉 I didn't publish the whole test program containing the dynamic creation of the transformation (it could be a new blog post with title "Convenient ST/XSLT test tool for ABAPers"), only the relevant part. To make it work, create the Z transformation the classic way and it will work.