2023 May 16 6:34 PM
I want to add duplex printing in one of the existing SAP Script.
Previous settings:
There was 2 pages, first and next.
First page's next was next and next page's next was next.
Print mode was blank for both page.
Current settings(after adding duplex):
First i have added 1 page that is for terms and condition(T_C) that will be printed on the backside.
It is having only one window to print the terms and condition.
In the driver program at last Ihave used z_control_form to add a new page and called the window.
For the first and next page print mode is D. First page's next is T_C, next page's next is T_C and T_C's next is next.
So now I am getting terms condition page on the back side but next page is printing twice.
So can any help how to remove the extra next page.
2023 May 16 7:21 PM
Difficult to say.
Also, you are using Z_CONTROL_FORM which is custom, which is known only by you, we can't tell the difference with CONTROL_FORM.
So, to simplify what you're saying:
Page Next Print mode Windows/Elements
----- ----- ---------- ------------------
First T_C D Main
T_C Next Main
Next Next D Main
Why don't you use print mode D for T_C?
Could you also explain the windows/elements you print/how?
2023 May 16 7:50 PM
Difference between z_control form is that
in z_control_form for if command = 'Forms_and_styles_initialize'.
clear form_header_urdtname is not present.
T_C is not having main window, I have created another window to print Terms and condition from so10 texts and next page's next is T_C.
So for now duplex printing is happening but there is an extra next page.
2023 May 17 8:37 PM
So, if I understand well "next page's next is T_C" (which I guess means "next's next page is T_C"), you're saying:
Page Next Print mode Windows/Elements
----- ----- ---------- ------------------
First T_C D Main
T_C Next no_main
Next T_C D Main
Why do you have Next's next page = T_C?
PS: having a page named "Next" makes any discussion about its next page difficult, you'd better give a semantic name (which refers to the contents, not to its position).