2017 Jun 20 1:12 PM
currently I have some troubles with my SAP OData Service.
I have an entity with three properties:
I can access the fields of the complex types for $filter and $orderby with the property name and a / in front of it.
For example:
CustomerSet?$filter=AddressData/Email eq 'user@anydomain.de'
But if I try the same with $select I receive the following error:
"The URI is violating the construction rules defined in the Data
Services specification"
I couldn’t find any information if the $select parameter supports complex
Does anyone now a solution for this problem?
Thanks for your help.
Best regards
2017 Jun 20 2:54 PM
Check the below Northwind service how can you get a subset of the result by using the combination of both filter and Select
Thnaks, Pavan
2017 Jun 20 3:47 PM
Hi Pavan,
thanks for the fast answer.
But the problem with the Northwind Service is the same. It is not possible to select only one field from Address.
If I change your URL to Address/City I receive an error.
With Adress/City Select
Best regards