2010 Oct 19 6:58 AM
Good day guys,
hope every one doing well. Iam working under upgrade project from 4.6 to ecc 6.0.
Ive got a problem when i was implements the sap note which is 1460692 for ML81N: Displays error message SE729 Continuously. Alreday we got higher levlel of sap service package which is
SAP_APPL->604>0007>SAPKH60407-->Logistics and Accounting
thts why iam unable to implente the sap note 1460692.
PROBLEM: When iam running the ML81N, shows tht customization incorrectly maintained. if i click on the message its shos the message number as SE729.
ive got doubt , if i got highter level sap service package then why did i get the error message which is CUSTOMIZATION INCORRECTLY MAINTAINED ?
Plz let me know how to overcome this prob?
2010 Oct 19 7:12 AM
with the support package (SAPKH60407) note is installed in your system. Check this OSS Note 1382685 - SE 729 Customizing incorrectly maintained.
If no success, what I suggest you is first to check quickly if any customizing is requested (a quick debug on MESSAGE statement could be useful), If any open an OSS Message to SAP, maybe a little bug is still running.
2010 Oct 19 7:12 AM
with the support package (SAPKH60407) note is installed in your system. Check this OSS Note 1382685 - SE 729 Customizing incorrectly maintained.
If no success, what I suggest you is first to check quickly if any customizing is requested (a quick debug on MESSAGE statement could be useful), If any open an OSS Message to SAP, maybe a little bug is still running.
2010 Oct 19 7:56 AM