2021 Jan 26 4:19 AM
Hi Experts,
We have errors in the substitution user-exits for Public Sector France and we have implemented OSS 629170. However, we only implemented it for the substitution form since the validation form is not giving us error messages in transport execution. After implementation in substitution form pool, we no longer encounter the errors upon transport execution. Is this correct? or do we still need to implement it in the validation form pool even when there are no errors for validation.
Also, we'd like to know what is the use of program RGUGBR00? What does it really do?
Thank you.
2021 Jan 26 6:42 AM
You should open a message to SAP for OSS note support.
(generaly we apply OSS note fully, to keep consistency of the code)
For the program RGGBUR00 check oss note 842318
2021 Jan 26 6:42 AM
You should open a message to SAP for OSS note support.
(generaly we apply OSS note fully, to keep consistency of the code)
For the program RGGBUR00 check oss note 842318
2021 Jan 27 12:34 PM