2022 Dec 06 8:58 AM
Hallo SAP .NET Connector developers,
in October the latest SAP .NET Connector 3.1 was released. I think most developers were hoping that the new release would support .NET Core (.NET 6 / .NET 7). Unfortunately, we are still stuck in .NET Framework (4.6.2 to 4.8.1). (see “3152653 - SAP NCo 3.1 release and support strategy”)
I tried to check the official roadmaps to get any further information about the future of the .NET Core support. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any information on this yet.
So, I may ask you if there are any official plans to support the .NET Core runtime in future? (mid term / long term)
Thank you.
Best regards
2022 Dec 09 4:39 PM
Hello Michael,
NCo is "only" a software component, and hence does not appear in the roadmap explorer. In case there are changes for the supported platforms, for which the .NET runtime is one aspect, the not mentioned by you will be updated. Perhaps you want to support the existing influence request https://influence.sap.com/sap/ino/#idea/287577 to emphasize the importance of that aspect for you. Roadmap-like statements are possible there as well.
Best regards,
2022 Dec 09 4:39 PM
Hello Michael,
NCo is "only" a software component, and hence does not appear in the roadmap explorer. In case there are changes for the supported platforms, for which the .NET runtime is one aspect, the not mentioned by you will be updated. Perhaps you want to support the existing influence request https://influence.sap.com/sap/ino/#idea/287577 to emphasize the importance of that aspect for you. Roadmap-like statements are possible there as well.
Best regards,
2022 Dec 12 7:19 AM
Thank you very much. I have not heard of the SAP Customer Influence yet. I will check the influence request you have mentioned.
2023 Sep 05 2:53 PM
2023 Sep 18 11:03 AM
Hallo Marjan,
the influence request changed to "Accepted". So, I think the SAP developers are working on it. Switching the complete framework is hard work and it definitely will take time.
You can vote the influence request to get updates. Please see https://influence.sap.com/sap/ino/#idea/287577
Best regards,