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SAP GUI ZOOM IN/OUT Configuration at ABAP WorkBench(SE80)

0 Kudos

Hello all,

I'm currently using GUI 760 and having an issue with the zoom in/out. I'm only having two Zoom in/out options and this looks too small or large. I never had this issue in other GUI versions so i'm just wondering if this has got to do with the version or the configuration.

You can compare the font-size proportion between the Chrome and ABAP Benchwork

a) When it is zoomed-out

b) When it's zoomed in


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

7.60 is no more supported. The latest SAP GUI version is 8.00.

My zoom is fine with 7.70 and Courier New 10:

Try changing the font, maybe it can be related, etc.

Not related to your issue but you can see font might be related: 3055754 - SAP GUI ABAP Editor : Size of "Code Hint" text is very small and not clear enough to read....