2024 Mar 14 8:03 PM
Code Connect 2024 event registration
'Did You Know' shorts Nr. 16 – Displaying rich directory and subaccount hierarchy info with the btp CLI
SAPInsider Las Vegas 2024 Code Challenge
Reuse access control from a released SAP CDS entity in ABAP Cloud
SAP BTP Terraform provider and What’s new in SAP Integration Suite:
SAP BTP Kyma Updates to Machine Size and Default Modules
0:00 Intro
0:10 Code Connect 2024 event registration
0:52 'Did You Know' shorts Nr. 16 – Displaying rich directory and subaccount hierarchy info with the btp CLI
1:36 SAPInsider Las Vegas 2024 Code Challenge
2:15 Reuse access control from a released SAP CDS entity in ABAP Cloud
3:11 SAP BTP Terraform provider and What’s new in SAP Integration Suite
4:34 SAP BTP Kyma Updates to Machine Size and Default Modules
DJ: You may already know that this summer, the first week in June, marks the SAP Developer Mega Event,
Code Connect, where we start on the Monday, the 3rd of June, with a Code Jam on CAP, followed by three
consecutive one-day conferences. Recap on Tuesday, UI5Con on Wednesday and ABAPConf 2024 Europe
on Thursday. So Code Connect week is the first week in June, but registration for the one day conferences
opens next week on the 21st of March, 4pm CET precisely. So get ready to register and see you there.
DYK: Did you know the BTP CLI can give you a rich directory and subaccount hierarchy? Requesting basic
information about your global account gives you some simple details like this. But if you add the Show
Hierarchy parameter, you get a lovely graphical representation of the directories and subaccounts like this.
Not only that, but you can get this same information in a machined passable format. JSON, what's not to
Nora: Hey there, I will be in Las Vegas next week at the SAP Insider event at the Bellagio. And so should
you, because we are hosting the Code Challenge session on Monday, where we will show you SAP's AI
portfolio, and we also prepared a system for you to try out our AI portfolio, and especially generative AI hub
on SAP AI Core. And the winning team can even win a little surprise prize. So make sure you stop by and try
out the AI portfolio with us, learn a lot about it, and we will put together. There's going to be pizza, I heard, I
think. So yeah, make sure to stop by and take part of the cold challenge and maybe even win a prize. See
you there.
Shilpa: Hey, everyone. For those of you working in CDS, have you wondered if the access control settings
of a released SAP CDS view could be reused? Well, it is possible in ABAP Cloud. Our friend, Andre Fisher,
explains in this blog post with an example of the DCL source code. The role defines the access control which
is inherited from the base CDS entity, for example, iBusinessUserBasic. Usage of this will throw an error as it
requires a special syntax. You need to have custom code entity with one is to one association to the base
entity. Additionally, use this syntax in the DCL which will ensure that inheritance will still work even if SAP
would add additional authorization checks. In this way, the access control to base CDS views can be
inherited by other CDS viewers. The link to the blog post is in the description below.
Antonio: Hola, SAP developers. In case you missed it, there's a new Terraform provider in town. That's the
SAP BTP provider. You can find it in the Terraform registry. Release 1.0 was announced in early February,
and as promised, there is a monthly release cadence for it, meaning that version 1.1 was published a few
days ago. In the latest version, we can now update our directories and enable features and entitlements for
them. Also, a new data source was added, which can allow us to view the hierarchy of a global account.
Check it out. Now, over to SAP Integration Suite. Guerrilla recently published a blog post covering what's
needed for SAP Integration Suite in February. And I just want to highlight a few items included there. Related
to Cloud Integration, you can now inspect your resource consumption through SAP Cloud ALM. And there is
a call to action to upgrade to a new version of a few third-party connectors. Now in Advanced Event Mesh,
there is a couple of things that many of you have been waiting for. We can now send events from SAP
S/4HANA Cloud to Advanced Event Mesh. Also, distributed tracing can now be enabled in Advanced Event
Mesh. I just want to remind you that if you want to keep up to date with what's new in SAP Integration Suite,
So make sure to keep an eye on the page available in help.sap.com.
Josh: Hey, everybody. Josh Bentley. And as you know, I love to keep you informed on lots of things that are
happening in the open-source space. But I also love it when we take some of these great updates from the
Kyma open-source community, and we put them into the SAP BTP Kyma Runtime, and they become
officially supported updates. There are two updates I wanted to make you aware of today. First is support in
the Kyma runtime for smaller machine types. The smaller machine types are two virtual CPUs with 8 gigabits
of RAM that are available to help you optimize the size of your default Kyma runtime installation and thus
reduce cost. The second update is the SAP BTP Kyma runtime has the SAP BTP operator as a default
module. Now the operator has been upgraded to a default Kyma module and is now automatically added to
all new clusters. This enhancement ensures that service management is readily available. For more
information on this, read the linked Kyma modules document as well as the linked updates to both help
documentation files