2021 Apr 20 1:53 PM
I need to develop a call of put/post method called from SAP Abap system in order to insert new users into the user Groups of SAP CIS ( here there are information about what I am referring to ), so for the moment I have developed this:
REPORT ztest_rfc.
DATA: lo_http_client TYPE REF TO if_http_client,
lo_rest_client TYPE REF TO cl_rest_http_client,
lv_url(12) TYPE c,
lv_url1 TYPE string,
http_status TYPE string,
lv_body TYPE string.
DATA: lo_json TYPE REF TO cl_clb_parse_json,
lo_response TYPE REF TO if_rest_entity,
lo_request TYPE REF TO if_rest_entity,
lo_sql TYPE REF TO cx_sy_open_sql_db,
status TYPE string,
reason TYPE string,
response TYPE string,
content_length TYPE string,
location TYPE string,
content_type TYPE string,
lv_status TYPE i.
lv_url = 'IAS_REST_API'.
destination = lv_url
client = lo_http_client
argument_not_found = 1
destination_not_found = 2 " Destination not found
destination_no_authority = 3 " No Authorization to Use HTTP Destination
plugin_not_active = 4 " HTTP/HTTPS communication not available
internal_error = 5 " Internal error (e.g. name too long)
others = 6
lo_http_client->request->set_version( if_http_request=>co_protocol_version_1_0 ).
IF lo_http_client IS BOUND.
lv_body = '{ "id" : "607xxxxxxxxx", "displayName" : "Admin", "members" : [{ "value" : "P000001" }] }'.
lo_request = lo_rest_client->if_rest_client~create_request_entity( ).
lo_request->set_content_type( iv_media_type = if_rest_media_type=>gc_appl_json ).
lo_request->set_string_data( lv_body ).
lo_http_client->request->set_method( if_http_request=>co_request_method_post ).
CALL METHOD lo_rest_client->if_rest_client~set_request_header
iv_name = 'Content-Type'
iv_value = 'application/scim+json'. "Set your header .
lo_rest_client->if_rest_resource~put( lo_request ).
* Collect response
lo_response = lo_rest_client->if_rest_client~get_response_entity( ).
http_status = lv_status = lo_response->get_header_field( '~status_code' ).
reason = lo_response->get_header_field( '~status_reason' ).
content_length = lo_response->get_header_field( 'content-length' ).
location = lo_response->get_header_field( 'location' ).
content_type = lo_response->get_header_field( 'content-type' ).
response = lo_response->get_string_data( ).
So my problem is the program in the end is giving me an '400' error 'Bad request'. I wonder some ways could be incomplete my code but I don't know how to solve it.
Some suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
2022 May 12 6:48 PM