2023 Mar 09 1:11 PM
copy data from mard to zmard2 in amdp get error ..
"ZMARD2" is unknown. ABAP objects and DDIC objects must be declared in the USING clause of the method. Local names must start with ":" ......
2023 Mar 09 1:40 PM
Hello deepika.khetade
The table 'ZMARD2' is a table created by the customer. You can create the table if you have the skills.
Look in the source system for the table.
Christian Fritsch
2023 Mar 09 2:14 PM
Plase have a look to additions "using" in the database function definition:
METHOD - BY DATABASE PROCEDURE, FUNCTION - ABAP Keyword Documentation (sap.com)
2023 Mar 10 6:19 AM
how to solve it i have created zmard2 in SAP GUI then how i use it here.......