2023 Nov 20 6:30 AM
can anyone suggest me what i should do
i makes a table in SE11 having 3 primary key and round of 4 field . i want to all field horizontal row but all field comes vertically one by one
so solve my problem
2023 Nov 20 9:38 AM
I have no idea what your problem is - what you've posted makes little sense. Maybe include some screenshots.
2023 Nov 20 9:52 AM
The layout has nothing to do with the table structure. The layout depend of the transaction, if you use Eclipse, if you use SE11, or a specific program the layout could change, not the table structure
2023 Nov 20 10:38 AM
Are you actually asking for layout of generated maintenance dialog?
2023 Nov 20 1:17 PM
You could use only 2 primary key in the table. Rest you can define as secondary keys or reference key.
2023 Nov 20 3:32 PM
Nobody understands it seems. That would help if you post a screenshot.