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Former Member
0 Kudos

can anybody provide me sample code for ONLINE INTERFACE.

to refer.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all

I am defining one internal table in user exit EXIT_SAPLMGMU_001 in include ZXMG0U02

I want to get data in this table

How I will get data in this table using importing tables of user exit.

TYPES : BEGIN OF x_mtfile,

matnr TYPE matnr, "Material Number

maktx TYPE maktx, "Material description

prodesc(30) TYPE c, "Material description

salegrp(3) TYPE c, "

msehi TYPE msehi, "Text description of the UOM

brgew TYPE brgew, "

volum TYPE volum, "

length(5) TYPE c, "

wheel_width TYPE zwid, "Wheel Width

wheel_diam TYPE zdiam, "Use diameter to get height

serial(1) TYPE c, "

palqty(10) TYPE c,

unipcar(5) TYPE c, "

unno(4) TYPE c, "

END OF x_mtfile.

*Table declaration for storing data.

DATA : it_file TYPE TABLE OF x_mtfile.

*work area.

DATA : wa_it_file TYPE x_mtfile.