2010 May 21 11:20 AM
I'm having a problem when developing a alv report!
I have to make a refresh to the ALV when someone changes a information! In this class the only way to refresh (that I know, if you know a better way please tell me) is to recall the Display method of the CL_SALV_TREE class.
The problem is that when a call this method for the second time I lose all the layout definitions! For example, if a user moves columns or hides any column, they all return to their starting position!
Can any one help me?
Best Regards
2010 May 21 5:19 PM
->refresh( ) won't work for you? If you have to dump the table(s) and go back to the db, then re-enter the SALV output step, you might considering reading for user's variants and using that in your SALV settings.
2010 May 26 9:55 AM
SALV_TREE doesn't have a refresh method! Or if it has it I cant find it! I tried to destroy all the object and created it again... no success,