2008 Feb 06 4:26 AM
then what is the necessity of creating again?Can any one explain clearly the need of creation of sales order using BAPI
2008 Feb 06 5:58 AM
sales order can be creted using transaction as well as using BAPI.
but this function module doesn't have commit work. we have do explicaitly.
function module is used in case of creation of sales order from remote systems and multiple order at time from a file etc.
2008 Feb 08 7:17 AM
2008 Feb 08 7:24 AM
Hi Gayathri G,
We can create that bapi for updating or creating or cancelling the orders etc.
we cannot update many records at a time in tcode.
So we use this bapis or BDC programs to create a sales order or whateever it is.
BAPI is nothing but RFC.
ravi shankar reddy