2007 Oct 29 8:05 AM
Does anyone have an idea when does S700 table gets updated ??? What is the program used to update S700 table.pls help me out
2007 Oct 30 3:51 PM
Looks like it's an info structure, which was defined by this specific customer (at least the number seems to be in the customer number range). Take a look at the transaction MC26 for the update definitions.
2007 Nov 01 11:46 AM
Thanks for your reply jelena....The routine(FMCV2827) for updation is defined in this transaction....But ca you help me out how to debugg the routine(FMCV2827) ??
2007 Nov 01 12:05 PM
2007 Nov 01 4:10 PM
Thanks Sailesh....I have done the same already but it doesnt stop there......I guess break point in update routine doesnt works !!!....Any other ideas ??
2007 Nov 01 4:47 PM
Try changing the update for S700 to 'Synchronous' (this can be done in OMO1).
If this doesn't work, check your Debugger - there are some settings you can change to debug the updates. I've never had to do this myself but I've heard of it. (You might want to run a search on 'debug update' and such.)