2007 Dec 20 2:22 AM
When in the role maintence, if we do a search for the S_TCODE object we hit it. no wwhen we double click we get the box which states the tcodes executable. my question is :
1. What does the From and To coloumns mean?
Is it a range of tcodes? does ti differ if I give one below the other?
2007 Dec 20 2:31 AM
You are right George!
"From and to " are meant for ranges.
E.g.- from A* to G*, etc...
If you define one below the other, it takes the tcode as a single entry.
2007 Dec 20 2:31 AM
You are right George!
"From and to " are meant for ranges.
E.g.- from A* to G*, etc...
If you define one below the other, it takes the tcode as a single entry.
2007 Dec 20 2:39 AM
2007 Dec 20 3:10 AM
If you put A* to Z* then it will conside all the tcode starts with A to Z will be included.
But if you put
Then only tcodes starts with A and Z will be included.
Hope this will help.
2007 Dec 20 3:15 AM
From To
AC05 AS00,AS03-F-01
If we have entries in S_TCODE like above, what does it imply?
2007 Dec 20 4:00 AM
Do you mean
From - To
AC05 - AS00
AS03 - F-01
If yes then it means All tcodes falls under this range will be included.
1. AC05, AC06, .... ACZZ, AD01, .... ADZZ, ..... AR00,....,ARZZ, and AS00
2. AS03, AS04,..... ASZZ,AT00,...ATZZ, AU,...AZ,B....... E and F-01
So from Rance AC05 to F-01 excluding AS01 and AS02.
***Rewarad the points if it is helpful****
2007 Dec 20 4:09 AM
I am gettng what you are mentioning.
But what do you mean by "So from Rance .......in particular..Rance
2007 Dec 20 4:35 AM
2007 Dec 20 4:47 AM
2007 Dec 20 4:48 AM
Pinkle, from one glance howdid you understand that tcode AS01 was excluded ?
2007 Dec 20 5:06 AM
Again if you look at the range
AC05 - AS00
AS03 - F-01
AS01 and AS02 is not include in range.
This might be because these two tcodes are bit critical (Just guessing - I'm not functional guru)
AS01 - Create Asset Master Record
AS02 - Create Asset Master Record
2007 Dec 20 2:16 PM
If you want to see the contents of the range, you can run se16 with the table tstc and put the range there. It gives you the transactions as you asked for.
have fun
jan van Roest
2007 Dec 20 2:48 PM
2007 Dec 20 5:05 PM
Hey george,
Take a look at the documentation (in transaction SU21) on authorization object S_USER_TCD.
You can prevent the ranging (in SU24, PFCG etc) by restricting it.