2009 Mar 31 6:02 AM
I have to select tcodes from table tstc, based on the entries in ust12,
the entries in ust12-von and ust12-bis, these contains wild charcters also, and i have to selct all the tcodes from von to bis.
so ia m preparing a range table for the entries in ust12, and querying table tstc, then i am getting a runtime error with following description.
'If the problem occurred because an excessively large table was used
in an IN itab construct, you can use FOR ALL ENTRIES instead.'
but how can i use FOR ALL ENTRIES here, because if von = A* and bis = AB*,then i ahve to read all the entries from AAAA till ABZZ (may be something like this),
is there any way to write this query, with out runtime error.
there are total 15000 entries in ust12, i am preparing range table for 3000 entries each and querying tstc.
Thanks in advance
Best Regards
Amarender Reddy B
2009 Mar 31 6:05 AM
in the range table use CP for option field (Contains Pattern) and in the select stmt use LIKE.
2009 Mar 31 6:08 AM
Hello Subash,
i was using the same way,
but anyways, can you explain little more how your solution solves the problem, if possible
2009 Mar 31 6:37 AM
first write a select on ust12 based on ust12-von and ust12-bis.
eg: select von bis from ust12 into table gt_ust12
where von LIKE 'A%'
and bis LIKE 'AB%'.
now write another select for tstc for all entries in gt_ust12...
Hope it helps