2006 Mar 09 2:35 PM
Hi Everybody,
i would like to read some data from a nInfoCube. There exists a function RSDRI_INFOPROV_READ. So my question is:
Where can I find a documenation? And how can I find this function in the SAP in order to look its structure.
2006 Mar 09 2:39 PM
go in the transaction SE37, put the name of the function, and press the button display (F7).
You could use the button use-case (after F7) to search where this function is used in the program.
2006 Mar 09 4:28 PM
Are you looking for some sample code for how to use this fm to read the infocube?
Here it is -
Create range table for selection criteria
PERFORM fill_range USING c_ccode u_bukrs.
PERFORM fill_range USING c_fyear u_fyear.
PERFORM fill_range USING c_fper3 u_fper3.
Create list of output fields for characteristics
PERFORM fill_characteristics USING c_ccode.
PERFORM fill_characteristics USING c_fitem.
PERFORM fill_characteristics USING c_yemau.
Create list of output fields for Key figures
wk_g_s_sfk-kyfnm = c_lcurr.
wk_g_s_sfk-kyfalias = c_lcurr.
wk_g_s_sfk-aggr = c_aggregation.
INSERT wk_g_s_sfk INTO TABLE g_th_sfk.
Set values for First call flag & end of data flag
g_end_of_data = rs_c_false.
g_first_call = rs_c_true.
WHILE g_end_of_data = rs_c_false.
i_infoprov = c_infoprov
i_th_sfc = g_th_sfc
i_th_sfk = g_th_sfk
i_t_range = g_t_range
e_t_data = i_g_t_data
e_end_of_data = g_end_of_data
c_first_call = g_first_call
illegal_input = 1
illegal_input_sfc = 2
illegal_input_sfk = 3
illegal_input_range = 4
illegal_input_tablesel = 5
no_authorization = 6
ncum_not_supported = 7
illegal_download = 8
illegal_tablename = 9
OTHERS = 11.
Code to fill range perform
wk_g_s_range-chanm = u_iobject.
wk_g_s_range-sign = rs_c_range_sign-including.
wk_g_s_range-compop = rs_c_range_opt-equal.
wk_g_s_range-low = u_value.
APPEND wk_g_s_range TO g_t_range.
CLEAR: wk_g_s_range.
Code to fill characteristics details
wk_g_s_sfc-chanm = u_object.
wk_g_s_sfc-chaalias = u_object.
wk_g_s_sfc-orderby = 0.
INSERT wk_g_s_sfc INTO TABLE g_th_sfc.
CLEAR wk_g_s_sfc.
2010 May 19 8:05 AM
2010 May 19 8:56 AM
hi guys,
I have just heard about this FM.
I don't understand how to make use of it to read infocube data.
For example, I want to extract data from 0CCA_C11.
Where to key in the name of infocube and fields to read?
Regards to all,
2011 Feb 04 7:34 AM