2010 Nov 23 6:38 AM
I use fm RFC_READ_TABLE to download long texts from table STXL to Excel by using VBA. However the format of the texts in Excel (VBA) is inadequate and some special characters of our alphabet are replaced with '#'.
Example> 18/11 p#epl-> nový po#adavek zák.
Anyone has an advice, please?
2010 Dec 08 2:51 PM
Where to find DLL version. Unicode issue sounds probable.
The original text is: dělej z "B" vřetně vrtání z průměru
The output text is: d#lej z "B" v#etn# vrtání z pr#m#ru
Appreaciate your help!!
2010 Dec 07 4:37 PM
Hi brtkow,
unless RFC is necessary, you could use FM READ_TEXT.
2010 Dec 07 4:49 PM
I need RFC as plan to call it from Access and downloaded there as well.
Thanks anyway for reply!
2010 Dec 07 5:15 PM
2010 Dec 07 5:46 PM
RFC_READ_TEXT is giving me the same error letters - isn't there any field in the interface which is controlling this?
2010 Dec 08 12:23 PM
Hi, Which DLL are you using? Could this be a unicode vs non-unicode issue?
Could you post what the text should be? I'll try and re-create issue.
Edited by: Mike Watson on Dec 8, 2010 2:21 PM
2010 Dec 08 2:51 PM
Where to find DLL version. Unicode issue sounds probable.
The original text is: dělej z "B" vřetně vrtání z průměru
The output text is: d#lej z "B" v#etn# vrtání z pr#m#ru
Appreaciate your help!!
2010 Dec 08 4:27 PM
Couldn't re-create as soon as I paste into my SAP implementation it makes the characters change. But pasting into notepad did re-create so I'd say unicode or the language used on your extracting system (the one running Excel). There are two DLLs used for RFC - librfc32.dll and librfc32u.dll the one with u is used for unicode both in Windows>system32. I've always plugged them into VS.net so not sure how you would reference the specific DLL from Excel.
Have you tested the function module RFC_READ_TEXT in se37 - what was the result?
If it is ok in the results of the FM then you are down to your local machine, excel and the DLL your using.
The DLLs appear in VS as "SAP Remote Function Call Control" and "SAP Remote Function Call Unicode Control" if that help.
Good luck.
2010 Dec 19 11:12 AM
Thanks. I checked some docs relating to Unicode and it seems this causes the issue with VBA in Excel.
2023 Jul 18 7:58 AM
Hello. Very late reply on this. But may anyone search for an solution on this. When you use RFC_READ_TEXT in MS Office VBA create your SAP connection with reference to UNICODE:
Set sapConn = CreateObject("SAP.Functions.Unicode")