2005 Dec 14 3:08 PM
I'm looking for an API that will allow my program to:
1. Get a list of RFC-callable BAPIs available in my R/3 system.
2. Get all the metadata for a particular BAPI. I.e. the list of all the imports, exports and tables and their descriptions.
Are there standard SAP function modules that perform either of these tasks?
What I want to do with task 2 is generate the logic to call the BAPI within my own GUI, and not require my user to go to the SAP GUI and, say, generate an skeleton RFC C program.
2005 Dec 14 3:19 PM
2005 Dec 14 3:19 PM
2005 Dec 14 3:22 PM
2005 Dec 14 3:34 PM
Here is some sample code to retreive these values from database, implement this code in a custom RFC enabled function module.
report zrich_0002.
data: xattributes type tfdir.
data: isignature type table of fupararef with header line.
parameters: p_func type tfdir-funcname.
select single * from tfdir into xattributes
where funcname = p_func.
select * into table isignature from fupararef
where funcname = p_func.
write:/ xattributes-funcname, xattributes-fmode.
skip 1.
loop at isignature.
write:/ isignature-parameter,
Please remember to award points for helpful answers and mark your post as solved when solved completely. Thanks.
Rich Heilman