2022 Nov 09 2:31 PM
Want to retrieve the value of the field ( WSET [CHAR,6] or say any other field ) from IBIPMPLA structure (structure not empty, hold entries)
Suggest any function modules or any class methods or logic codes to perform this??
2022 Nov 09 2:43 PM
You cannot, a structure is empty, there is no data stored in structure.
You have to find a transaction displaying this data, and use a SQL trace (using trans ST05)
Or you could check where the data element of the field is used in TABLEs
2022 Nov 09 4:33 PM
2022 Nov 10 6:52 AM
Display structure IBIPMPLA / Double click on Data Element WSET / Click on Data Element / Press button Where Used .. / Select only table
you will find table MPDPSD
is it this one ?