2005 Dec 12 12:06 PM
I need to retrieve data from LIPS starting from MCH1...
select *
into itab
from mch1 as m
inner join lips as p on
But i need the join the be done only on the last record of LIPS do you this it is possible that way or not ?
I don't think so but just to be sure...
2005 Dec 12 12:13 PM
2005 Dec 12 12:57 PM
Hi Stephan,
i presume you want to do the join
select *
into corresponding fields of table itab
from mch1 as m inner join lips as p on p~matnr = m~matnr
and p~charg = m~charg
where p~posnr = ( select max( posnr ) from lips
where vbeln = p~vbeln ).
This select statement should read every lips record linked to mch1 (given matnr/charg) and considers only those lips record with the greatest posnr
But i'm not sure if for each mch1 record (matnr/charg) it exists only 1 occurrence of likp...
I hope it will help.
Please consider to reward points for useful answers.
Regards, Manuel