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resizing the subscreen

Former Member

hi everybody,

here is my question kindly answer it if anyone know it

i want to resize the subscreen when i click on the button, which is outside the subscreen area i.e when i clik for the first time the size of the subscreen should get minimize and when i click for the second time the size should get maximize


Active Contributor
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I am affraid my friend this is not possible. You can't mini/maxmize subscreen (or even tweak its size) on demand. You need to think of swithing b/w different subscreens. I.e one empty would be used for "minimalization" , and one (with content) used for "maximalization" . This way you can achieve kind of subscreen hide.

Additionally if you want to keep this place where subscreen is embeded uncompressed, in main screen's attributes turn on option switch off runtime compression .



Former Member
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Plz go through below link

You can specify whether sub screen area should be resized whenevr user resize the window but you can not resize the subscreen through button.

If you want to resize the subscreen area as per your window you need to set properties (Resizing) in loyout of screen.

Former Member
0 Kudos

well this was the task given to me . got stuck here only

well if u can think of any other alternate way to achive this , plz reply

also is it posible to dynamically change th attributes of the subscreen area may be to minimized the height attribute of sub-screen area. i am thinking is as we can change the text attribute of the button dynamically can it be done with sub-screen also

0 Kudos


Try to create 2 sub screens of the sizes as per your requirement. Use a FLAG for the button with possible values as either BLANK or X. Call the sub-screens on whether the FLAG is set or BLANK.



0 Kudos

the above may work but how will you again re-size the screen clicking the same button, as per my knowledge one button can be assigned only one function and also in this way we just hiding the screen and the sub screen area will remain there, as per my thinking the better output will be if we can re-size the sub-screen area. in short all i want is expandable and collapsible button function for sub-screen.

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As for the dynamic resizable subscreen area I don't think there is a someone out there who could help you with this.

The only available options are those which the control resizes simultaneously with window resizing.

in short all i want is expandable and collapsible button function for sub-screen.

You should said that at the beginning

Refer some sample here . Basically you need to have button on each subscreen. Then handle each one separately. This is how standard collapse/expand technique works in SAP.



0 Kudos

tried the example , unable to get the logic , well i want to know whether same functionality will be achieved if button is kept outside the sub-screen, if you can elaborate little bit the logic behind the expansible and collapsible it will be of great help