2008 Jul 17 4:00 AM
I'm developing a report, in this
i want to call a transaction/program from my report and pass my selection-screen to that transaction/program and output of that transaction/program should be catched to a variable which is declaered in my report.
could anybody plz give me coding for this(using transaction or using prog).
best regards.
2008 Jul 17 4:05 AM
Use the SUBMIT stmt:
SUBMIT zffo_rffocp_c WITH p_laufi EQ zw_laufi
WITH p_laufd EQ zw_laufd
WITH s_zbukr IN zw_zbukr
WITH s_absbu IN zw_absbu
WITH s_rzawe IN r_rzawe
WITH s_hbkid IN sel_hbki
WITH s_hktid IN sel_hkti
WITH p_chk EQ 'X'
Where the variables after WITH are all selection screen variables in program ZFFO_RFFOCP_C.
2008 Jul 17 4:25 AM
thanks for reply.
hi subramanian,
how to collect that o/p into our variable?
can explain me a brief.
my prog name: zaaaa.
selection-screen :1000
selectionn fields: empno.
variable : x type i.
i want to pass this selection to prog zbbb and collect output to my variable x.
with regards.
2008 Jul 17 5:06 AM
As Subrahmanian Said you can pass the values to another program using SUBMIT statement.
The output of the Called Program can be Stored in ABAP MEMORY in a variable and the same will be used
in the calling program...
Hope it is clear and this would help you.
2008 Jul 17 5:23 AM
hi murty,
actually i want collect o/p into my variable for using forther calculations. so in that code(subramanian given) all are the selection fields.
i'm not getting where(in which field) the o/p will be stored.
2008 Jul 17 5:32 AM