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Report Painter - ACDOCA | ACDOCP

0 Kudos

For PS, I want to create a report within the report painter like: 12KST1C (CJE5) but based on ACDOCA / ACDOCP displayed within an hierarchy: Project | WBS | Network Activity

A slight adjustment: ACDOCA doesn't hold the original postings, but the settled postings. (So ACDOCA-OBJNR should be joined with AFVC~OBJNR to retrieve the original WBS element (AFVC~PROJN).

How to create such a report?

What i tried:

I tried to create a report using GRR2 but there the layout is not how we want it (no good drilldown on WBS / NETWORK ). First i had to do some customizing through GRCT to have ACDOCT available. We then found out that only the standard ACDOCT wasn't enough for us, because some values are settled to another WBS. So i created a new custom table based on ACDOCA with a join on AFVC / PROJ and PRPS to retrieve the correct WBS (OBJNR was available in ACDOCA and i can join it with AFVC-OBJNR, then the AFVC-PROJN holds the correct WBS) then if i do a selection on VRGNG = COIN i retrieve the correct values per WBS. So i copied all the entries in GRCT to a new ZPS_ACDOCT to have that table available in the Report Painter through a library (GR22 - GRR2).

But i did not yet get it working how we want it. Like the layout is not the same as the drilldown reports of SAP( CJE5 ). I miss the "empty WBS" lines, and i don't yet have the planned data ( ACDOCP ) working.

How it should be:

How it is:

So i was wondering: Is there a standard like report available based on ACDOCA / ACDOCP? If no, where is the best way to make this report? I also have read about fiori analytical query. I've been testing also in there. But our business wants it in a drilldown SAP report ( like reports through transaction: CJE5 ). So i'm a bit stuck.

Thanks for reading my question and helping me out.


0 Kudos

Never used the report painter, but I guess it's pretty old stuff and very limited.

I guess it's better to display the data in a tree via class CL_SALV_TREE.
Maybe you can have a look at this thread:

0 Kudos

We'd like to still use the report painter where we can add / substract columns with eachother.
And where we can easely show on a current year or a previous year.

So programming all of this within an ALV is quite hard i guess, but thanks for your answer.

0 Kudos

May I aks if you found a way to use the old hierarchy report in PS or you switched to App F6991?

Thanks and regards