2009 Jul 30 6:04 AM
Hi All,
I am running one report having 35 columns in background. I am able to get only 20 fields and all other fields are truncated .My requirement is to run program in background and i have to download all the records into desktop .
I am working with 4.6C.
its urgent.please help.
Thanks & Regards,
2009 Jul 30 6:07 AM
change the printer settings. increase it for the long character set,
2009 Jul 30 6:11 AM
Hi Soumya,
I tried resolving the issue with following steps.
1) Go to SE38, enter the program name and press F8
2) Enter the selection parameters and from menu click Program -> Execute in Background
3) Now you need to select Properties button at below
4) Click on Format in the Next window
5) Select one which format with maximun WIDTH ot the width which works for you.( i tried with X_65_200,X_65_255)
6) Save the Settings and run the job
But no use.
is there any other way to get all the fields displayed.
2009 Jul 30 6:11 AM
Try changing the output type to which can hold more number of columns and then check the spool output of the background job.
Also its is not possible to download records to desktop in background mode since SAP is completely independent in bacground mode and wont allow any GUI based operations.
2009 Jul 30 6:11 AM
You cannot download a file on your desktop if your program is running in background and you are using gui_downlad in program.
You can download file at your desktop if FTP is installed at your desktop.
There is one more option, by downloding file on to application server.
Thanks & regards,
2009 Jul 30 6:19 AM
Hi ,
we can download the records after displaying the records from the spool. SAP as provided the an option to save to local file option .
But first i need to get all the columns in the report.
Help me in finding where sap stores this maximum width of reports to displayed in background.so that i can change that and run my program .
2009 Jul 30 8:05 AM
you have set up a new output device
say Zxyz
and a zdevice type say zdev
in this devise type you have to give formats :
with this device selected for spool you can display maximum length of your reports.
You can do these with the help of your BASIS guys in a transaction SPAD
hope this helps.
and while viewing in SP01 have you checked 'display in maximum width' ? if this doesnt solve your problem then use the above thing which i said about new device.
2009 Jul 30 8:33 AM
Hi All,
at last I found a solution to this :
Please refer the SAP Note : Note 186603 - Spool list width always 255 in further processing.
For 4.6C version SAP has recommended to create a program which takes the spool number and displays all the fields of report.
So..I have created a program and solved the issue .
Thanks for your reply.
2013 Sep 04 11:42 AM
In the Output Controller : List of Spool Requests there is a button called -> "Display in Maximum Width" (Shift+F4) after pushing the button you enter in the spool and all the columns are displayed.
I had a report with 88 columns in the spool and all where displayed and exported in the Spreadsheet
(SAP version 6.0)
2009 Jul 30 6:11 AM
Change the printer setting and set the formatting but i dont think we can display more than 255. Better to use GUI_DOWNLOAD to download the data to desktop.
2009 Jul 30 8:35 AM
2013 Sep 04 12:30 PM
You can make changes in SPAD to display all columns. Goto SPAD - Admin - Setting and tick the first checkbox as given in image.
2013 Sep 05 6:51 AM
2014 Dec 11 7:34 AM
I have faced the same issue.
@Sanjeev: that checkbox is already checked.
I have only three fields in ALV. Even I have increased the length of field from Char10 to Char20 thinking that if it gets truncated by last few characters then also User can see the whole data. But still of no use..
Kindly help with the issue if someone has solved it.
2014 Dec 21 7:53 AM
After running the program in back ground. Go to SM37.Double click on the spool for the job name. Put the cursor on the spool number and press Shift+F4 (Display in maximum width). Then you will get the report with all the columns.
Then download this report to excel using 'Save to local file' button present on application tool bar.
Hope this will help you.
2024 Mar 20 5:59 PM
Try using LINE-SIZE 255 at the end of REPORT
eg: REPORT zprogram_name MESSAGE-ID msg-id line-SIZE 255.