2005 Aug 18 5:30 PM
We are selling a small part of our company and this division is migrating from SAP to Movex. Movex has a much shorter material number field so they'd like to rename the SAP materials in advance. Has anyone renamed active materials in SAP and if so, how was this accomplished? Copying a material seems to not work too well as additional data is necessary. BAPI to get data doesn't seem to easily map to bapi_material_savedata.
Any ideas?
2005 Aug 18 7:04 PM
Have you looked at BAPI_MATERIAL_MAINTAINDATA_RT. Seems like it is created for the Retail IS, but give it a shot, has most of the Material Master data dependent tables.
You will have to additionally move the stock from Old Material to New Material after you have created the material using the transfer posting BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE transaction MB1B and movement type 309.
Hope that helps!
2005 Aug 18 5:35 PM
I don't think that is possible to do. You will have to wait until the other system is ready to convert data from SAP into its material master. You need to have the transformation logic(18 character SAP material to x character Movex material) in your SAP download program or in the Movex upload program.
Since the material in SAP will be used in so many places from production to orders to statistics, renaming is not an option.
2005 Aug 18 7:04 PM
Have you looked at BAPI_MATERIAL_MAINTAINDATA_RT. Seems like it is created for the Retail IS, but give it a shot, has most of the Material Master data dependent tables.
You will have to additionally move the stock from Old Material to New Material after you have created the material using the transfer posting BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE transaction MB1B and movement type 309.
Hope that helps!
2005 Oct 01 12:39 PM
@ Rishi Joseph:
Not only stock, also all open orders, production orders, purchase orders ...
We did this once when we spitted a plant to two plants. You need a lot of Programs for that, but to make a long story short, the main point is sales. We calculated the quantity for every sales order position, canceled this position an copied it with the open quantity to a new position. But you have to be careful for dates, pricing, texts. Every production order was also canceled in transaction cohv, we were lucky that tehre were no extern purchase orders, so we canceled also everything and let the MRP create new.
But As I said, you have to be very careful.
Kind regards
Matthias Kabel
Please give reward points if the answer was useful
2005 Oct 01 6:39 PM
Thanks for all of your input. We've put this on hold for now until we know more about the new system.
2005 Oct 02 6:29 AM
Hello Tim,
Renaming a Material Number is indeed a big task. SAP offers some specialized services for such scenarios. You can find more information at the following link - https://service.sap.com/slo.
The various services that are currently offerred are -
1. Chart of accounts conversion
2. Fiscal Year conversion
3. Customer conversion
4. Vendor conversion
5. Material number conversion
6. Material group conversion
7. Convert cost centers and other objects from component CO
8. Company code rename
9. Controlling area rename
10. Plant rename
11. Logical system rename
12. Asset class conversion
13. Currency key rename
You can find more information at the link I've given above. When you go to that link, click on the link <b>SAP Conversion Services / Data Harmonization Consulting</b> on the left pane. You can find Detailed Information there.
Please let me know if you need any further information about this, I'll be glad to help you out.
Anand Mandalika.
2005 Oct 01 9:06 AM
In MOVEX,may be you try taking SAP's Item Number as Reference Item Number in MITPOP Table (MMS025) in Popular number field. This consits of 30 character & futhermore, you can try creating various panel versions in MOVEX whereby order entry & viewing can be done using this Alias number (Popular Number). Alternatively, in MOVEX we do have a provision of auto creation of Popular Number on certain defined logics.